Post-Secondary Institution ($560): Any public or private postsecondary institution that supports the mission of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment.
Secondary Institution ($150): Any public, public charter, or private high school, school district, secondary career center, or consortia of school districts that supports the mission of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment.
Secondary School District: NACEP partners with organizations to offer special pricing tailored for K12 school districts to provide membership to multiple high schools within a district. Contact Miranda Rodriguez ( for pricing and details.
State Agency/System Office ($200): Any state agency or central offices of statewide systems of colleges and universities that support the mission of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment.
System and Multi-Campus Memberships
NACEP partners with organizations to offer special pricing tailored for system offices and multi-campus institutions (contact Miranda Rodriguez,
Partner Organization ($200): Any professional organization that supports the mission of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment.
Individual ($75): Any individual not affiliated with a post-secondary or partner institution who supports the mission of NACEP and concurrent and dual enrollment. If you are affiliated with a post-secondary or partner institution, please apply under the appropriate category.
Individual membership requires special approval and is usually only granted to graduate students in the field and consultants. To request approval, please contact NACEP Director of Communications, Miranda Rodriguez at or 919-593-5205.
Emeritus ($0): Upon outstanding professional service and/or retirement, a person who has been an active member of the Alliance for five (5) consecutive years may be recommended and/or request Emeritus membership status. Emeritus status is approved by the Board.
Fill out the new membership form.
Activate your membership immediately by paying with a credit card. If you are paying by check, your membership will not activate until NACEP receives and processes the payment. The primary contact and sub-members of the account will receive a confirmation email once payment is complete.
If you are joining NACEP to take advantage of the member rate for one of our events, your membership, and sub members must be active and up to date. Member rates will not be applied to attendees who are already registered as non-members.
If paying by check, please include your membership number and make checks payable to “NACEP, Inc.” and mail to:
National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
PO Box 578
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
NACEP is a 501(c)(3) Corporation: TIN# 16-1609101. A signed W-9 can be found here. Contact Jameka Eubanks at if additional information is needed to register NACEP as a vendor with your institution.
If you have questions about membership, contact Andrea Roma, Accreditation and Member Services Manager or call 919-593-5205.
The membership calendar year is January 1st to December 31st. Please respond to your annual renewal notification as promptly as possible to ensure your continued membership. If you wish to renew by credit card click here.
Enjoy your NACEP benefits! You can volunteer, present to your peers on a webinar, submit a proposal for the National Conference.
If you have questions about membership, contact NACEP Accreditation and Member Services Manager, Andrea Roma or call 919-593-5205. Please note, your membership benefits will not begin until payment is received.