Virtual Program Evaluation Workshop

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Virtual Program Evaluation Workshop

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March 8, 2022, 11:00 am, 2:00 pm

Date: March 8th, 2022
Time: 11-2 pm EST
Registration details: Registration is free for NACEP members and is limited to 50 participants, first come first served.
What do you know about your program and how do you know it? Researchers Jason Taylor (University of Utah) and Eric Grebing (SERVE UNC-Greensboro) join forces with Accreditation Commissioners Mike Beam, Karen Landry, and Diana Johnson to help you understand how collecting, analyzing, and using data can help you to understand the effectiveness and efficiency of your program.
As the only national set of quality standards applicable to concurrent enrollment partnerships and college provided faculty model programs, NACEP Standards are measurable criteria that address quality in concurrent enrollment and college provided faculty model programs. At the heart of NACEP Accreditation is continuous programmatic improvement. Continuous improvement is a system of evaluation that requires assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
This 3-hour workshop is designed for dual and concurrent enrollment practitioners eager to answer questions about their programs through data, analysis, and research. This interactive, hands-on workshop includes a discussion of dual and concurrent enrollment research trends, an introduction to the NACEP Evaluation Standards and Program Evaluation Guide, and a tour of the online Evaluation Toolkit.  Breakout sessions led by the panelists are designed to provide insights on the accreditation process and give attendees the opportunity to brainstorm evaluation topics, identify online resources, develop a plan, and execute. Whether you are preparing for accreditation, re-accreditation, or are just eager to use data to examine program impact, you will find information and inspiration to help you confidently answer the question: What do you know about your program and how do you know it?

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March 8, 2022
11:00 am, 2:00 pm
Event Category: