DualEnroll Product Demo – Streamline the Enrollment Process
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how DualEnroll can help your program enhance efficiency and support student success in dual enrollment.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how DualEnroll can help your program enhance efficiency and support student success in dual enrollment.
Learn from colleagues and practiced researchers during this casual, meeting-style forum. Meetings are often topic-based but also flexible to allow attendees to elevate questions, discuss challenges, and share their work with others interested in and engaged in research.
Title: Simplifying Dual & Concurrent Programs with Canusia: Your Key to Success Time: January 22, 1:00 pm EST Description: Are you ready to revolutionize your dual and concurrent enrollment programs? Over...
Which states have stronger postsecondary outcomes for DE students? What are the benefits of CTE DE? Do students who take DE courses located at the college fare better after high...
Learn from colleagues and practiced researchers during this casual, meeting-style forum. Meetings are often topic-based but also flexible to allow attendees to elevate questions, discuss challenges, and share their work with others interested in and engaged in research.
This presentation will introduce the early college model to parents and community members. The presenter and the panel guests will discuss how parents can aide their dually enrolled student in the education process. Also, they will discuss how to elevate services to ensure the graduates are well-rounded and highly competitive candidates for matriculation to the best universities across the globe.
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Time: 1:00 pm ET (10:00 am PT) Presenter: Heather Hoskins, Director, Pathways Sales, Parchment Description: Parchment surveyed 500 high school counselors and administrators about their...
Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) deans, high school administrators, and counselors will share out strategies and best practices used to increase dual enrollment in the region by 210% in the last 8 years.
Explore the deep partnerships, best practices, and innovative strategies used to create successful college credit programs for high school students, allowing them to complete their associate degree or technical diploma in over 20 different programs, including Nursing, IT, Business, and Welding.
Learn from colleagues and practiced researchers during this casual, meeting-style forum. Meetings are often topic-based but also flexible to allow attendees to elevate questions, discuss challenges, and share their work with others interested in and engaged in research.
Join us for conversation, celebration, context, and caveats with this new first for the field.