2020 Board of Directors Nominee Bios
NACEP has three positions up for election in 2020: President-Elect, Secretary, and one of the Two-Year Institutional Representatives. Below are statements for the candidates running for each position.
Brief professional bio for the nominee
Ms. Dumond joined the University of Southern Indiana (USI) in 2004 and is currently the Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning. She oversees both the concurrent enrollment College Achievement Program (CAP) and a team of individuals who plan and take registrations for noncredit open enrollment programming. In 2006, the College Achievement Program was the 13th program in the nation to attain NACEP accreditation; CAP was reaccredited in2013 and again in 2020. Prior to assuming the Assistant Director position in 2016, Ms. Dumond served USI first as a Senior Program Assistant, Program Coordinator, and then Manager of School Partnerships, all of which focused on concurrent enrollment as well as noncredit programming for schools, teachers and children. Ms. Dumond holds a Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies.
Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
Ms. Dumond began working with concurrent enrollment in 2004 and shortly thereafter assisted in compiling USI's first NACEP accreditation application. She began volunteering with NACEP in 2008 as an accreditation peer reviewer and a member of the now-defunct communications committee. Ms. Dumond served on the Board of Directors from 2010-2016, first as chair of the Governmental Relations Committee and then as chair of the newly formed Accreditation Commission. During her time on the Board, she participated in the execution of advocacy-related tasks from the 2011-2013 strategic plan; she also participated in the planning and execution of activities from the 2014-2016 strategic plan, particularly related to her role with accreditation. Following her two terms on the Accreditation Commission, Ms.Dumond has continued to volunteer as an accreditation peer reviewer and guest speaker on accreditation topics. Since October 2019, she also has served on the newly formed Advocacy Commission.
Brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
Ms. Dumond has volunteered with NACEP for twelve years and is thrilled that its work continues to bear fruit as the organization increases in scope and impact. NACEP stands poised to continue shaping the landscape of dual and concurrent enrollment at an unforgettable time in the history of the nation and world. Ms. Dumond cares deeply about NACEP’s work, supporting dual and concurrent enrollment professionals as well as secondary school partners, providing a voice at the national level, sponsoring research to show impact, and maintaining a rigorous accreditation process. Ms. Dumond hopes to serve in the position of President-Elect, and ultimately President, to be part of shaping the organization’s trajectory in a way that tells the story of how powerful dual and concurrent enrollment can be. Now, perhaps more than ever, the nation’s students need equitable access to higher education and the opportunities it can provide to them.
Presentations on concurrent enrollment given at NACEP or other conferences/workshops
Since 2010, Ms. Dumond has presented and co-presented at numerous NACEP conferences, Accreditation Institutes, webinars and Days on the Hill. Topics have included the following: explaining the accreditation standards and process, both before and since the revisions of 2017; tips and tricks for compiling a reaccreditation application; training of accreditation peer reviewers; best practices for four-year institutions; advocacy strategies and legislative updates; facilitation of secondary school partners’ roundtable; program improvement (hybrid enrollment tools, managing growth); and sessions to share the benefits of NACEP volunteerism with new conference attendees. She also has presented on concurrent enrollment and NACEP standards at the Indiana Association of College Admission Counseling (IACAC) Admission and Financial Aid Congress and at the American Association of College and Universities (AASCU) winter meeting, both in 2018. Finally, NACEP standards are a recurring presentation topic for concurrent enrollment instructors, faculty liaisons, counselors, and high school as well as University administrators.
Any special background associated with the nominee’s responsibilities, other volunteer service, or awards and recognition
Ms. Dumond volunteers with the University of Southern Indiana’s Administrative Senate and has served in several roles over the past decade, including as a senator, secretary/treasurer, and as part of various committees (constitution and by-laws; employee relations and benefits; now the employee outreach committee, helping new administrators feel welcome and part of the larger USI family). Since 2007, Ms. Dumond has served on the advisory board for the Health Science Education program at the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center (SICTC), with whom USI partners to offer several concurrent enrollment courses. Ms. Dumond also has completed two certificates in Simplex, a methodology for solving complex problems.
Brief professional bio for the nominee
Values Statement
“Education is a never-ending proposition.” With the ever-increasing life demands on individual learner’s time, traditional four-year higher education models may be difficult. High School Dual Credits programs provide thousands of high school students the opportunity to complete higher education classes while in high school, reducing the traditional four-year education after high school graduation. I have dedicated the last 20+ years of my career to providing distance learning opportunities as a Human Resource Professional, Education Administrator, and Faculty member. Continually seek out new andragogical and pedagogical techniques and technologies to improve student-learning experiences.
Born Springfield MO, March, 1962 and graduated from Lake Charles High School, Lake Charles, LA May 1980. Sinc emy father was military and a Union Construction Electrician, between 1962 until high school graduation in 1980, my family lived in 32 locations around the US. From late 1971 to early 1973, we lived in Fort Lauderdale, North Lauderdale, Hollywood, West Palm Beach, and Margate Florida. In 1981, enlisted in the US Navy, serving as an Aviation Maintenance Administration man (AZ1) First Class until early retirement in 1996. Married Vickie Clouse July, 1982. Vickie and I have three grown children and eight (8)grandchildren (ages 6 months to 10 year) who have moved to South Dakota. In June 2011, left Purdue University to become the Director of Online & Continuing Education at Northern State University in Aberdeen South Dakota. Completed Associate of Science in Business at Quincy College, Bachelor of Science in Professional Aeronautics at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Master of Science in Human Resources at Chapman University, and PhD studies in Educational Leadership, Human Resource Development at Barry University. Education and Human Resource Professional with 25 plus years’ experience in a broad range of positions and organizations (government, private, and public). Previously taught for the US Navy, Stetson University, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Purdue University North Central and Northern State University accumulating over 10,000 hours instruction, and training for administrative and technical courses.
Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
As the Director of NSU Office of Online & Continuing Education, I am responsible for managing multiple dual credit programs including the Concurrent Enrollment (Rising Scholars) program. I collaborate with the multiple Academic Departments and South Dakota High School Administrators to schedule CE courses and reduced tuition packets. Additionally, OCE is responsible for the High School Dual Credit (HSDC) program. Continually seek opportunities to collaborate with high school administrators to streamline processes and procedures for concurrent enrollment programs. OCE staff reduced registration form from nine pages to two, reducing HS administrative processing time from two hours to approximately 15 minutes. I continually champion to provide access to higher education to the underrepresented populations. Arguing for more inclusive admission standards and lower tuition rates. I have collaborated with a local Foundation to provide financial grants ($45K per year) to pay students (eligible for/receiving free/reduced lunch) tuition, books, and fees.
Brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
Northern has been a member of NACEP since 2015 and I am an active member serving as the NACEP Board of Directors Secretary since April 2018 and Peer Reviewer and Peer Review Team Leaders since 2017. I am committed to NACEP and continual growth in member institutions and institutions seeking Accreditation. Recently NACEP has been cited in national publications as setting the standards for ensuring CE programs meet rigorous academic, administration, and reporting standards. As the NACEP President-Elect, I will continue the work and time dedication to provide the support and guidance necessary to champion NACEP membership and institution accreditation.
Presentations on concurrent enrollment given at NACEP or other conferences/workshops
Presented at Higher Learning Commission in 2016 "Impact of Dual Credit on Future Enrollments and Staffing". Participated in multiple panel discussions and CE 101 programs at NACEP Annual Conferences since 2017. An active member of the South Dakota Board of Regents High School Dual Credit Council.
Any special background associated with the nominee’s responsibilities, other volunteer services, or awards and recognition
Volunteer for youth organizations: Little League coach and Board Member - Vice President of Softball, Hub City Soccer, Hub City Softball, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, T-Ball, Baseball and Basketball. Received Beyond the Call of Leadership in 2018 from WCET State Authorization Network for creating a National Data Collections system for Professional Licensure/Certification programs.
Brief professional bio for the nominee
Victoria has worked at Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) for over 15 years, after teaching middle and high school science. At TC3, Victoria started as the director of her college’s Tech Prep program, a Perkins-funded initiative to develop career pathways from high school to postsecondary education. Now, as Director of CollegeNow, she oversees one of the largest concurrent enrollment programs in New York State – a program that is twice the size of her college. In this role, Victoria is responsible for implementing policies and practices that ensure program quality and accreditation through NACEP. Under her leadership, CollegeNow has expanded beyond concurrent enrollment to include dual enrollment (online and campus courses for high school and homeschooled students) and Early Collegeinitiatives, such as P-TECH. Through a combination of CE and online courses, her office advises dozens of highschool students in the completion of their Associate's Degree while in high school.
Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
Victoria is familiar to most NACEP members through her service as Vice-Chair, and then Chair, of the AccreditationCommission. As a Commissioner, Victoria was a frequent presenter for NACEP’s Accreditation Institutes, webinars, and Conferences. As Chair, she was part of the process to expand service opportunities for NACEP members and to extend accreditation to non-CE models. She serves a NACEP Ambassador, sometimes called upon to speak at conferences for other organizations. Before and since her time on the Commission, Victoria has served as a Peer Reviewer (as well as Lead Reviewer or Mentor) for many applications, which has been a rewarding experience. Outside of NACEP, Victoria is active in her state’s concurrent enrollment leadership group for community colleges(NYCEP) and is regularly asked for input on concurrent enrollment practices and policy in New York. Recently, Victoria served on a working group to guide her state’s CE policy framework.
Brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
Serving on the Board provides an opportunity for Victoria to help guide NACEP forward as both a policy leader and concurrent enrollment practitioner. Community colleges have unique needs that need to be represented by someone who is passionate about the role they serve in society to expand access to both liberal arts and technical education. Victoria embraces this responsibility and is excited to serve an organization that has been so meaningful to her personally and professionally. A regular attendee and presenter at NACEP events, Victoria loves connecting with concurrent enrollment colleagues and sharing ideas around concurrent and dual enrollment, equitable access, career pathways, and student success. She now looks forward to continuing to support her community college colleagues through a position on the Board.
Presentations on concurrent enrollment given at NACEP or other conferences/workshops
Many NACEP Accreditation Institutes, Annual Conferences, and Webinars (2011 to present)
As a NACEP Ambassador - Maryland Innovations in Educational Partnerships, NEASC Dual Enrollment Conference, and Wisconsin Career & Tech Conference (2012-2016)
ACTE Conference (2010)
League for Innovation in the Community College Conference (2008)
New York State Tech Prep Conferences (2004-06)
Any special background associated with the nominee’s responsibilities, other volunteer services, or awards and recognition
In addition to the above, Victoria is an active member of her county's Youth Council (part of the WIOA) and serves on advisory boards for several Early College High Schools and BOCES (CTE schools) in her region.
Honored by NACEP with a “Volunteer Spotlight” and plaque in recognition of years of volunteer service in support of accreditation and best practices among concurrent enrollment programs (2018)
Appointed as Co-Chair for our College's Middle States Regional Accreditation Self-Study (2016-18)
Received a Town-Gown Award from our local county in recognition of partnerships with school districts (2017)
Elected Chair of our College Senate (2012-13); most recent term of service ended in 2019
Selected to participate in Chair Academy's Foundational Leadership program for community colleges (2009-10)
Brief professional bio for the nominee
Brett DeLaria serves as the Assitant Dean of Early College Education and Director of the 1818 Advanced CollegeCredit Program at Saint Louis University for the past several years. His career in early college education has been rooted in his commitment to creating access for students to quality education opportunities. In his role, he has expanded the 1818 Advanced College Credit Program to span 11 states and 5 countries bringing college credit to over150 institutions and over 8,000 students annually. Brett's commitment to higher education is evident in his work with state legislatures, NACEP, state organizations, outside organizations, Noodle.com, and regional accreditors. Brett remains a thought leader, innovator, communicator, and collaborator in secondary, higher and concurrent education. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Saint Louis University.
Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
Bretton has been an active and crucial member of the Accreditation Commission...and is perfectly positioned to move to helping support NACEP from a Board position.
Brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
For the past four years, Brett has served as an Accreditation Commissioner serving NACEP and helping strengthen the organization. With the launch of new standards and additional models, Brett has felt that the commission has a good footing and decided to allow new leadership to continue the work. However, Brett still is looking for ways to give back to NACEP. The position of secretary interest Brett as it allows him to continue to lead in the organization and provide meaningful input. A leadership position on the Board would be an honor and allow him to help continue to direct the future of the organization. At the same time, it will allow him to bring a fresh look at the secretary position and ways to innovate to build stronger communication and consensus through the duties of the organization.
Presentations on concurrent enrollment given at NACEP or other conferences/workshops
Presentation at NACEP:
2015 National Conference: Communication is Key
2016 National Conference: Building a Better E Standard
2016 National Conference: Parents and College - A recipe for success or disaster?
2017 National Conference: Just Keep Swimming - Overworked and understaffed
2018 National Conference: Using GIS to Enhance Student Resources
2019 Southeastern Regional Conference: Building w/ Bureaucracy - Everything is Awesome
2016-2020: Accreditation Workshops as Commissioner
2018: HLC presentation on behalf of NACEP
Any special background associated with the nominee’s responsibilities, other volunteer services, or awards and recognition
Special Background: Accreditation Commissioner
National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
Treasurer and Webmaster
Missouri Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships
Early College Advisory Board Member
Missouri Department of Higher Education
Communications Director
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Council
Director of IT and Digital Media Services
Semper Fi Society of St. Louis, MO
Brief professional bio for the nominee
Tara Bratton has an MBA from Henderson State University. She is the Director of Concurrent Enrollment and a SeniorInstructor of Business at Arkansas State Three Rivers, She is a results-oriented business professional with exposure to business development, higher education, accounting strategic planning, sales & marketing, client relationship, management, and customer-service, seeking to obtain the position of a two-year representative board member with NACEP. She possesses excellent communication, presentation, accounting, and leadership skills. Tara is motivated and committed to maintaining high standards of quality and productivity to ensure ongoing development and growth within my institution and concurrent enrollment.
Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
Tara has been a NACEP member for three years, served as a Peer Reviewer in the academic year 2018-2019, is part of this year’s cohort for NACEP’s Leadership Academy, and is currently serving as the interim Two-Year InstitutionalRepresentative Board Member. During this time, Tara has enhanced relationships within the NACEP community, her leadership skills, as well as her focus and determination to promote concurrent enrollment.
Brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
During her time as a Director of Concurrent Enrollment and Business Faculty at Arkansas StateUniversity Three Rivers, she has gained experience in chairing meetings, serving on committees, offering strategic solutions, and various leadership roles. The growth and promotion of programs and organizations and utilizing resourcefulness are some of her key strengths. Tara thrives in situations where she works as a team player and excels in finding resolutions to complex problems. Tara believes she can be an asset to NACEP with her experience, educational qualifications, and skills, and looks forward to putting these towards a good cause.
Any special background associated with the nominee’s responsibilities, other volunteer services, or awards and recognition
Tara received the NISOD Teaching Excellence Award this year at Arkansas State Three Rivers. Additionally, she has volunteered in the following capacities:
Student Government Association Faculty Advisor, Fall 2018 to Present
Faculty Council Representative- Fall 2018 to Present
Campus Accessibility Committee- Spring 2018 to Present
General Education Assessment Committee- Fall 2018 to Present
ASUTR Food Pantry Volunteer-Spring 2020
Hosted safe TALK Suicide Prevention Training Spring 2019
Hosted ASUTR’s Community Suicide Awareness Event Fall 2018
HLC sub-committee Chair- Fall 2017 to Fall 2018
Science Olympiad Summer 2018
Dual Enrollment Orientation Event Fall 2017
Trio Advisory Board – Spring 2017
Take Back the Night 2018 and 2019
Hosted Shoe Drive for Ouachita Children’s Center -2014
Garland County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee- 2013
Silent Sunday Fundraiser for Hearing Impaired-2004 to 2007
Arkansas Children’s Hospital-2004 to 2007
Arkansas Highway Cleanup – 2004 to 2007
Hurricane Katrina Relief- 2006
Boys & Girls Club- 2004 to 2006