Call for Nominations for NACEP Accreditation Commission
NACEP has upcoming openings to serve on our Accreditation Commission. Commissioners serve an integral role in executing NACEP’s mission to advance quality college courses for high school students. The twelve-member commission is responsible for NACEP's accreditation process, reviewing Peer Review Team reports, deliberating and voting on accreditation decisions, as well as developing accreditation-related policies, training, and materials.
Serving as a volunteer leader for NACEP is a great way to grow and develop as a professional. Your service will engage you in the field at the national level, provide you the opportunity to apply your experience and insights to our work as a program accreditor, and connect you with like-minded peers who are passionate about quality concurrent enrollment.
We would love to have you join us in this important work. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague to serve as an Accreditation Commissioner.
Call for Nominations for the NACEP Accreditation Commission
The nominating committee of the NACEP Board of Directors is seeking individuals to run for the following elected positions on the Accreditation Commission:
- Two-Year Postsecondary Institutional Representative (Two-Year Term)
- Four-Year Postsecondary Institutional Representative (Two-Year Term)
Accreditation Commissioners serve multi-year terms that begin and end in April. These terms begin immediately following the Accreditation Commission's spring meeting in April of 2022.
To be eligible to serve on the Accreditation Commission members must:
- Represent an institution that operates a NACEP-accredited program that is in good standing,
- Have prior service as a NACEP peer reviewer, or demonstrated knowledge of NACEP's standards and equivalent experience with other accrediting organizations
Commissioner Responsibilities:
The twelve-member NACEP Accreditation Commission is responsible for NACEP's accreditation process, reviewing Peer Review Team reports, deliberating and voting on accreditation decisions, and developing accreditation-related policies, training, and materials. Commissioners are expected to:
- Participate in monthly virtual Commission meetings, training activities, and meetings to develop accreditation policies and materials.
- Coordinate the work of Peer Review Teams, ensuring that the review is completed in a timely manner and presenting a summary of the application and the review team's findings to the Commission.
- Attend in-person Accreditation Commission meetings, generally held one to two times a year.
Nomination Process:
Nominations can be submitted by Friday, January 14th, 2022 on behalf of yourself or another individual online here.
Nominations must include the following information:
- Brief description of nominee's work in concurrent enrollment and with NACEP
- Prior service as a NACEP accreditation peer reviewer, knowledge of NACEP's standards, and other relevant experience (e.g. with other accrediting organizations)
- A brief statement describing the nominee's interest in the position
We hope that you will consider serving as a member of the Accreditation Commission or nominate a colleague to serve. If you have any questions, please email